
EEG Visualisation

A visualisation program for EEG data.
Currently, it is optimised for 32 and 21 channel EEG systems.
Upon request, I am happy to adapt the program to whichever system you would like to use it for, or walk you through how to do it yourself.
Utilized: MATLAB

Example EEG Visualisation
Live Data Plot Website

A basic web application which updates a bar chart at a defined rate with the most recent data, provided by the backend in JSON format.
This application can easily be connected to any API to track live data, or used for your own data generating application.

Backend: Python, Flask, JSON Frontend: JavaScript, Ajax, Google Charts, HTML5, CSS3, JSON

Screenshot of Data Visualizing Website
Mutlithreaded Server

This provided the skeleton for a multithreaded server which can connect client requests to a database and return replies to the clients.
Utilized: Java, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL JDBC 4.2 Driver)